Your company and the combination of your project goals and requirements are unique. Therefore you set the direction. With our sophisticated, scientific and field-tested methodology, the solution components can be combined to create your individual solution. And this at a price of a standard product.
You will gain planning reliability by a concept of goals and measures that is worked out together with you. This not only saves time and money during the project, but also enables you to realize the benefits in your daily business faster.
Take the unexpected road with combined and coordinated solution components that guarantee to get you to your desination faster:
Part Management Strategy
With the part management strategy, you have the total optimum for your company in mind, right from the beginning. According to our motto “First the strategy, then the tool” the part management strategy forms the basis for your efficient project implementation.
Process planning and implementation concepts
Part management projects require to reconsider and, if necessary, to redesign existing workflows – or processes. Only this way your project goals can be achieved. Our ”process maps“ are therefore the centerpiece of every part management project. They visualize the workflows, use cases, functions, system interfaces and information flows individually planned with you in a simple and comprehensible way.
Integrated creation and classification processes
The most effective way for achieving and sustaining high data quality is to fill in and store product features of parts (components, assemblies and products) directly when creating them. PartExplorer with its numerous automatisms nips all arguments in the bud to not directly classify a part when creating it.
Integrated duplicate analysis and approval processes
Unnecessary and undesirable parts can be avoided most effectively if they are detected long before approval, best when creating a part or during ongoing construction. That´s what PartExplorer and PartscapeNavigator do for you.
Cleanse data and classify automatically (e.g. according to eCl@ss standard)
High data quality of part information (master data, classifications, etc.) is the precondition for achieving your targeted potential benefits. PartExplorer delivers the perfect data cleansing tool and automatisms for classification in abundance.
Standardize and consolidate
Standardizing and consolidating means to make a conscious decisions in favor of preferred parts, preferred features or preferred suppliers. PartExplorer supports this decision with automatisms and controls the process.
Workflow driven accumulation of data
TrotzDespite all automatisms several persons are involved in the process for cleansing data, creating and classifying parts, approving, standardizing and consolidating parts, etc. With the PartExplorer workflow engine, these workflows can be controlled reliably and comprehensibly.
3D-Suche und Teilelandkarten
Um kurzfristig und ohne großen Aufwand Nutzenpotenziale in Sachen Vermeiden, Reduzieren und Beherrschen von Teile- und Variantenvielfalt zu heben, bieten Ihnen Teilelandkarten und die 3D-Suche einen idealen Einstig. Lernen Sie die Teilelandkarte als eine innovative Visualisierungs- und Suchmethode kennen, welche Ihnen einen einzigartigen Überblick über Ihre Teilelandschaft verschafft.
Klassifikations- und Produktstrukturberatung
Die Klassifikation ist nach wie vor die unverzichtbare Königsdisziplin für das Teilemanagement. Hier bringen wir unsere langjährige Beratungskompetenz gerne ein.
Zielpreise und Zielherstellkosten kalkulieren
Das Kalkulieren von Zielpreisen und Zielherstellkosten hat nur eines im Sinn: Geld einsammeln, das quasi auf der Straße liegt. Weisen Sie Ihren Lieferanten nach, welche Teile er Ihnen zu teuer verkauft und verhandeln Sie niedrigere, faire Preise.
Engineeringkataloge & Ihre bibliotheken
Mit Engineeringkatalogen helfen Sie Ihren Konstrukteuren während der Produktentwicklung schneller Entscheidungen zu treffen, um die aus Gesamtsicht des Unternehmens vorteilhaftesten Teile auszuwählen.
Kunden-Lieferanten-Integration im Teilemanagement heißt bedarfsgerechtes Austauschen von strukturierten Produktinformationen zwischen Ihnen, Ihren Kunden und Ihren Lieferanten.