NLPP (non-linear performance pricing) is a unique tool that compares prices and manufacturing costs of components, assemblies or products with their performance features. NLPP shows you which of your purchased or manufactured components, assemblies or products have a good or bad price-performance ratio.
The uniqueness of NLPP is to automatically find the most accurate target price formula from your stock of data. For this purpose, NLPP consolidates the information of the performance and product features that are available from the classification or on the basis of geometric similarity. These target price formulas exactly describe the relation between price (or costs) and attributes (performance, features, geometric dimensions, etc.). And this fact fully automated.
NLPP can be optimally used in combination with PartExplorer and PartscapeNavigator. All three tools are linked and integrated.
- Integration of the geometric feature analysis of the PartscapeNavigator into the standalone version of NLPP, so that all data of the geometric analysis is available at any time.
- Integration of NLPP with PartExplorer and PartscapeNavigator…
- … for automatic exchange of classifications and geometric features from PartExplorer or PartscapeNavigator to NLPP. This enables you to calculate target price formulas on the basis of all available part master data, classification and geometric similarity
- … for automatic exchange of target price formulas from NLPP to PartExplorer. This allows you to calculate target prices not only for already existing parts but also for all newly created parts fully automated. By the way, target prices are synchronized into the ERP and PDM systems via PartExplorer.
- … special configuration of price history tables within PartExplorer to save the calculated prices of your parts. This allows you to perfectly track development of prices over long periods of time.

This is NLPP:
- Unique tool for fully automated determination of target price formulas
- Essential tool to support your purchasing negotiations
- Fastest method to identify unused saving potentials
- To be installed on the analyst´s computer within 60 seconds
- 100% maintenance free

Advantages of NLPP:
- Determine the best possible target price formula by applying a total of six different mathematical methods, including automatic decision for the best method
- Identification of parts payed or manufactured too dear (components, assemblies, products) using three benchmarks (best, market, worst)
- Grouping of data according to various criteria, such as supplier, material, sourcing region and calculation of target price formula per group