PartExplorer® is the integrated part search, part management, classification, data cleansing, workflow management, document management and standard part system of CADBAS. PartExplorer bundles and integrates part and document data as well as processes and workflows in order to manage them under one roof. The software offers you all conceivable functions and automatisms, so that finding, creating, managing, classifying and cleansing is a piece of cake, resulting in high data quality and high process reliability. To make a long story short: You achieve your part management goals by the shortest route. A high acceptance of your users is guaranteed, as the use of PartExplorer® is image-guided and highly intuitive.
Due to its modular structure the standard functional scope of PartExplorer can be adapted to your individual requirements without much effort. To ensure you do not have to worry about which functional components and modules you need, you always receive all modules. Without any restrictions. And of course without paying license fees.
Our interfaces ensure fully automated that all data in PartExplorer is always up-to-date and consistent in your company. Thus, search and information relevant part data (master data, classifications, documents, transaction data, logistic data, etc.) which is created and maintained in different source systems (e.g. ERP and PDM), will be synchronized fully automated with PartExplorer. Data that is created or edited in PartExplorer is also synchronized with other systems via these interfaces. So you never have to maintain data twice or keep it consistent manually.

This is the PartExplorer:
- Intuitive search engine
- Part management system
- Classification system
- Data cleansing tool
- Workflow management system
- Document management system
- Library for standardized and purchased parts
- Included classification structure for mechanical and plant engineering

Advantages of PartExplorer:
- Create acceptance by intuitive use, high data quality and reliable processes
- Stop seraching. Start finding.
- Integrated creation and classification processes
- Integrated duplicate analysis and approval processes
- Automatic data cleansing including data quality control
- Automatic classification of components, assemblies and products
- Management of workflows including task management
- Automatic consolidation and standardization
- Calculate target prices and target manufacturing costs
- Provide engineering catalogs and libraries
- Integrate customers and suppliers
- Bi-directional synchronization of part data with ERP and PDM systems
- Direct load of found parts into the CAD system
- Create geometry of standard and catalog parts in their original CAD formats
- and a lot more…