How do you recognize your potentail for reducing search times?
Finding required parts quickly is the major problem to solve during product development and product configuration. The same applies to standardization and consolidation. But how, if the part inventory is more like a confusing mountain than a tidy toolbox? As a result, there is a lack both of the necessary data quality for unerring search results and of intuitive search tools. Then you do not know how and where to start the search.
Enjoy searching. Have fun in finding. You can anticipate up to 20 minutes of saved search time per day and per user. This speeds up your work in several departments:
- Engineering: Find and reuse matching parts (components, assemblies and products).
- Purchasing: Accelerated supplier selection and targeted prices comparisons for similar components.
- Service: Find suitable variants, alternatives (succeeding parts) and spare parts.
- Sales: Find parts (components, assemblies and products) that meet the customer requirements.
- Work preparation: Find work plans etc. by means of similar parts.

Benefit of gaining time:
- Avoiding unnecessary part proliferation and variance
- Reducing useless part proliferation and variance
- Mastering part proliferation and variance
- Reducing purchase prices and manufacturing costs

Measures to achieve gain in time:
- Integrated creation and classification processes
- Cleanse data and classify automatically
- 3D search and part maps
- Classification and product structure consulting
- PartExplorer
- PartscapeNavigator