If your customers indispensably specify proliferation of parts and variants these can neither be avoided nor reduced. The only option is to master this variety. Increase efficiency in engineering, purchasing, work preparation and production despite high variety of parts.

Benefit of mastering part proliferation and variance:
- Automatic calculation of target prices or calculation of manufacturing costs up to automatic commodity group allocation, supplier selection and ordering.
- Automatic creation of work and manufacturing plans on the basis of feature recognition and geometric similarities.
- Increase of efficiency in product development by quickly locating similar parts that can be used as templates for the construction of drawing parts.
- Increase efficiency in production by flexible and efficient distribution of product manufacturing across all sites, without multiple fill-in of data, loss of information or other inefficiencies.

Measuers to achieve mastering of part proliferation and variance:
- Integrated creation and classification processes
- Cleanse data and classify automatically
- 3D search and part maps
- Classification and product structure consulting
- Calculate target prices and target manufacturing costs
- Customer-supplier-integration