Intuitive tools

Intuitive tools

„Fun in searching, joy in finding“ – this is motto and uniqueness of the search and part management tools. The part map technology and automatic classification have long been legendary. That is what PartExplorer® and Partscape®Navigator stand for.

Best Practices from customer projects are immediately incorporated into the standard functional scope.  The result:  Functions from practice for practice and a multiplication of the inventive talent. And the best: all our customers benefit from it without having to purchase any modules. You always and at any time have the full version with the complete functional scope. And without ever having to pay even one euro for a license.

The CADBAS tools not only stand for maximum efficiency and stability in the standardized tasks of part management. They are also the guarantor for the technology and innovation leadership of CADBAS.

The CADBAS tools at a glance:


PartExplorer is an intuitive and image-guided database system for part search, classification, data cleansing, workflow management and document management of parts, assemblies, products and solutions. PartExplorer additionally contains a standard and catalog parts library including automatic creation of geometry for your CAD system.


PartscapeNavigator is a revolutionary tool for 3D search as well as duplicate and similarity analysis in partscapes of any size. The PartscapeNavigator finds parts (components, assemblies and products) at lightning speed by using part maps as well as geometric and semantic search algorithms. .


NLPP (non-linear performance pricing) is a unique tool that compares prices and manufacturing costs of components, assemblies or products with their performance features. NLPP shows which of your purchased or manufactured components, assemblies or products have a good or bad price-performance ratio.