PartscapeNavigator is a revolutionary tool for 3D search as well as duplicate and similarity analysis in partscapes of any size. PartscapeNavigator find parts (components, assemblies and products) at lightning speed by using part maps as well as geometric and semantic search algorithms. No classification has to be set up beforehand and no manual work has to be done in advance. You achieve incredible search results based solely on your 3D models and raw, synchronized meta data from your ERP or PDM systems. The used 3D search technology (geometric search) originates from CADBAS and is based on the latest research results and more than 10 years of project experience in this field. The part maps were invented by CADBAS already in 2005.
The part maps revolutionize the display of search results, yet work according to a very simple principle: similar parts attract each other and lie close to each other, dissimilar parts push away from each other and are further apart. This is much better than lists of conventional tools, which are sorted by descending similarity, starting from only one part..The larger the accumulation of parts, the higher the potential for standardization and consolidation. This is real navigation through your part world or rather your partscape.
As a special treat, PartscapeNavigator analysis your entire part world for duplicates, mirrored and similar parts. Duplicates are automatically assigned to duplicate groups (for duplicates) and in clusters (for mirrored and similar parts). Now you simply need to view those groups. With the integrated Difference Viewer two parts can be compared exactly with each other.

This is the PartscapeNavigator:
- Unique intuitive 3D search engine with revolutionary operational concept
- Search engine for similar 3D parts (components, assemblies and products)
- Navigation system through partscapes of any size
- Duplicate finder
- The perfect start into part management
- Fastest method to identify standardization needs

Advantages of the PartscapeNavigator:
- Reliable search in partscapes of any size, without prior data cleansing
- Create acceptance by means of intuitive operation and best possible search results
- Geometric similarity search and semantic search without CAD system
- Geometric similarity search directly from the CAD system
- Feature analysis of 3D models (automatic classification of geometric attributes)
- Presentation of matching results on part maps
- Fully automated duplicate analysis
- Fully automated analysis of mirrored parts
- Fully automated clustering of similar parts